This paper presents a study conducted to allow urban farmers to remotely monitor their farm through the design and development of an Internet of Things-based (IoT) microfarm prototype which utilized wick system as planting method. It provides full control and monitoring of variables such as temperature, pest management and control works and more. Then a twit can be send to your account automatically if the moisture falls below a given threshold value. You can monitor all the data from your smart phone by using Virtuino app. Apart from this the Arduino and ESP8266 it will transmit information on moisture level and ambient light. When the moisture content in the soil is too low, the system will give command to start a pump and water the soil. The system is designed to sense soil moisture and amount of light falling on the plants. This leads to give the idea of automated kitchen gardening system. Kitchen gardens can be grown in the empty space available at the backyard of the house or a group of women can come together, identify a common place or land and grow desired vegetables, fruits, cereals etc that can benefit the women and community as a whole. Kitchen gardening contributes to household food security by providing direct access to food that can be harvested, prepared and fed to family members, often on a daily basis.

This is especially important in rural areas where people have limited income-earning opportunities and poor access to markets. One of the easiest ways of ensuring access to a healthy diet that contains adequate macro- and micronutrients is to produce many different kinds of foods in the home garden. The kitchen garden falls under bio-intensive and participatory innovation which can provide year round availability, access and consumption of adequate amount and varieties which supply not only the calorific demands but also the micronutrients by the resource poor.

The marginal increase in the income of the poor people to enable them to gain access to food and improve their nutrition is the need of the present time.

Abstract- Continuously increasing food prices of basic kitchen items, fruits and vegetables the poor and fixed income groups are suffering from the decreasing real incomes and purchasing power.